
More than 200 bpm acid pro 8
More than 200 bpm acid pro 8

Lactate is correlated with exercise and performance fatigue, but the concept is often misinterpreted in the MMA and strength & conditioning world (more on this later). The downside to this faster ATP-production rate is that it can only breakdown carbohydrates as fuel and it creates a significant amount of lactate (commonly known as lactic acid). The ANAEROBIC system (aka the glycolytic system), is a faster acting system that can produce ATP even in the absence of oxygen. The aerobic system (aero meaning air) requires oxygen to utilize fat stores (body fat) and carbohydrate stores (in your muscles and liver). The aerobic energy system is the predominant system involved in exercise lasting 2-3 minutes, to hours and even days.

more than 200 bpm acid pro 8 more than 200 bpm acid pro 8

That's why you need adequate blood sugar (carb) levels when exercising or doing intensive activity. As intensity increases, these percentages shift - carbohydrates become more important because of its quicker availability in the body.

more than 200 bpm acid pro 8

At rest, around 65-70% of your energy comes from the utilization of fat, 25-30% comes from carbohydrates, while less than 5-10% comes from amino acids (protein). The AEROBIC system (also known as the oxidative system) is the slowest acting energy system in our body, yet it is capable of creating the most energy.

More than 200 bpm acid pro 8